Forum of Latin American DEMOCRACY

Challenges of Politics and Democracy in a Digital Era

Palacio de Minería, April 4-5, 2019

Foro democracia

Thursday, 4th April

10:45 to 11:45 h

Keynote Speech I

The impact of new ICTs upon the way of understanding and doing politics

Commentator: Lorenzo Córdova (INE, Mexico)

11:45 a 12:00 Break

12:00 to 13:30 h

Session I

Citizenship in the Digital Era
Commentator:  Claudia Zavala (INE, Mexico)

13:30 a 15:00 Break

15:00 to 16:30 h

Session II

New technologies and electoral campaigns
Commentator:  Adriana Favela (INE, Mexico)

16:30 a 16:45 Break

16:45 to 18:15 h

Session III

Strategies and tools for the promotion of a knowledgeable vote
Commentator:  Benito Nacif (INE, Mexico)

18:15 a 18:30 Break

18:30 to 19:00 hrs

Arab World Session

The use of new technologies in the Arab World

Commentator: Luis Martínez-Betanzos, (UNDP, Chief Officer of the Electoral Program for the Arab World)

Friday, 5th April

10:00 to 11:00 h

Keynote Speech II

Watching over the horizon: dilemmas and alternatives to strengthen institutions and democratic practices

Commentator:  Jaime Rivera (INE, Mexico)

11:00 a 11:15 Break

13:00 to 14:30 h

Session V

The use of new technologies, accountability, transparency, and integrity within electoral processes
Commentator:  Dania Ravel (INE, Mexico)

14:30 a 16:00 Break